Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Monday, June 14, 2021
Broadcast Music Inc : 2nd Career Obligations
Since the 2011 hired presidency we are now working to end the un-eithics of 2nd position career's investments of obligation and are up holding primary career investments only in the corporate office we strongly up hold the corporation laws of institute and are currently working to end the shared accounts laws with corporate finance and also we up held the transfer position and sells of share laws of rights we are currently having person [s] involved in the sells of accounts incarcerated for the rights of institute accounts laws we have been working since my presidency to end the exchange of accounts for financial gain and end access and decisions base on un affiliated employment
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Data Breach Of 1994 ©
The 2nd round corporation grant beggining to hit corporation members accounts after the hell of the first round due to the need of corporate office planning of in office only with the same problem of the data breach of the negotiable non affiliated person [s] with the set-fourth thinking of changeable agreements of with not self's dated addresses only letter dated to the phyctic thinking of negotiating and speaking to and for in standing in with that thinking brings the corporation presidents broad also the founding business's broad owners and staff understanding of the need of W-99 of hire and a contract of hire dated stamped Symbol the young age of business day brought fourth the corporation [s] deceptive changes of the time and phycologist thought of business the non need of help when position of staffed and also illegal marketing and sales volunteer marketing under no obligation and no contract of bidding without thought of asking thinking of work service providing payroll to non contracted person [s] that provide services unlike a contract person under an agreement that can be provided for in standing without a service payment for the reason of share rights from distribution the knowing of the business bidding laws of signed arts of america graduate bar all shares no matter who is in granted of share all rights of monies from distribution and revaune go to the corp office and are not to any indication of any person [s] in since of the Corp Office to Corporate Finance Office Presidential Broad Veto Share Grants of Revenue After Review of America Accounts Laws of since of all after Leasee's only are share grants collect through only from in the corporation of self and not of leasing Corporate Office due to Share merges Corporation Banking Trust Land Laws of Institute third round corporation bonus calling for the reasons of such in the day of time for the next wave of corporate office planning to provide only in reason of the laws and with the year of stipulations of providing under 5.18 Administration one investigation for investments of no return and providing for person [s] with and without affiliation $2800.00 corporation bonuses should begin shortly after the Secord Wave assured by the board after the 1st wave of $2,000.00 and a Second Wave if another estimate $2000.00 and third of $2800.00 the corporation staff understanding of the data breach of 1994 © the mandatory corporation bonus non required of presidentail board members for the reasons of providing for employment in the office of tomorrow in the corporation institute law of finance of payroll
Broadcast Music Inc
Music Row
Robhy Dupree Armstrong
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Census and Advertising Committee had made great charges to the world wide internet sites regulations set fourth no escort paid sex advertising sites such as Craigslist
Reasons of standing laws set fourth non collector of financial revaue received by the site models advertised collected monies for the advertised services business corporate law prohibits in such events non collectors in advertised within the corporation office all finance going to the corporation for the reasons of service site agreement of advertised collection of monies by advertising models should be routed and deposited in to the site corporation office for the corporation reasons of corporate law of office's in such it's an illegal marketing ring if one of such that is not of the business management of the corporation received in connection of the subjunctive the revenue must be collected by only the corporation for the corporation to be a legal business and composition provided only by the corporation in return of services provided by the model under Services Agreement without contract of bidding in such case of the site corporation but in tune with the corporation in standing in business if it's convenients 200% shares of monies in the event of revaune unless no biding contract then the discussion if commission collection in standing without the pocketing or a percentage share before deposited monies of revaune of the corporation gross for services provided by models pornography ETC advertised rates set by such are to be only deposited after receiving by the site models for a legal business operations of such of the exchange and trade society in which one of the collection of even dollar amount including 1¢ in the same if the sites the finding of my own was the truth if the matter was the site were not in collection of monies and that being the one such reason of the out going business out reach of the site advertising one before beginning the out look of a postitution advertisement and of a site escort models of such business with the corporation and exchange and trade society brought the reality but the understanding of a wrong justice without explained facts of back-page Craigslist and also Verified Pornography Models viewed as regular posstitutes -
Broadcast Music Inc
Rights Attorney
Robhy Dupree Armstrong
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Submitting Proposal and Required Financial Support Aid From The Submitted Party
Saturday, May 22, 2021
How having the proper financial money print paper can end debt
How having the proper financial paper "Money Printing Paper" could put an end to financial debts for members of the United States of America
Legally Printing Money For Your own Business after accounting deposit to the Reserve and IRS for Documentation after accounted the no need of printing only reserve and irs re wire transfer digital the stipulation of ownership business operations in the United States and Allies Territory business's most have they're own institution and depository system of which no connection to a financial institution which a company account is not opened in the name of the business, only in the name of a executive without deposited received revaune transfers only routing verification of monies deposit transfer corporation inside operations CAO VPE CFO CEO CIO the need of a Depository System and also Trust Co , Savings, Operations for corporation revenue only which are within standing of no withdrawal from the corporation and routing of the corporation only Savings Co, without Loans ,Trust or Land Bank Co ,
Corporate Investor Stock, Trust Co, Business bilding if Interest ,CD Trust Account, No withdrawal ,only access of transportations of monies for the granted trust holder , treasurer, governor, attribution consaul and over sight only of the Corporation Banking Trust Co, Executive Directors Self Corporate Instituting without a outside Banking Trust Land institution
"Printing Press"
Are Still things of today that an executive order of Money Manufacturing with the designs of our nation and landmarks of our freedom and fathers of the nation Honor of the nation flag allegiance in our society which are free of rights and the written bills of america without a printing press the need of the proper financial money printing paper for legal manufacturing of money in the same event of having the proper check paper for check manufacturing the financial information encryption codes inside of the financial money notes also like within a checking note in the same respect to our nation and foundation of the bills of law by our fathers without and within our nation the need of a software program is the conclusion of the without a printing press of money manufacturing and also distribution in the times of our money shortage since 1790
"Paper Distillery"
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Executive Staff News
due to the data base breach of 2019 © of the financial data base we are currently working to end the fake ticket scam by the data breach of the catalogue registration everything in addition a "Japanese Cast Net" branching the corp documents " Cyber War " Cyber Network Gang
digital illegal marketing under a restore software program digital copies of the software under the system reset code oregins of South Side of Fort Myers Florida with the religious beliefs of mistical dungeons and dragons Japanese Culture of demons and the worship of demons and mistical monster like human beings and Cyber Network Hacking and starting with a finance data base and illegally marking individuals with no regard of agreement guidance and a phycatic mind set of what about that person that person is broke we can help that person with the agreement guidance laws out of mind of the individuals that are in good standard in agreement without and neglected with standard of living and work needs of a professional marking starting in Sarasota , FL then after with the same Cyber Hacking Network of the same mind frame with the same strategy with different individuals that had agreements inside of corporate offices in the government name the gang begins to steal by the illegal marketing of saying an individual doesn't hold a agreeance with the fact the individuals do in the government name then the process of illegally posing other individuals as under the individuals government names when the fact of laws 115 Act the stage name with a right grant is legal marketing without the individuals finance and network of the individuals the illegal marketing cyber gang has done this time and time again to so of the most notice and also known up and coming and known greatest if all time in the industry without regards of the individuals then the begining of the saying of the discussion of a compilation and compitenion of a corporate office planning without agreed parties of network the gang then continues to pose different individuals and collect of of the individuals without grants and also from the held agreeance with the organization of a court and law office of outside corporation Office the beginning the establishment of a financial institution in the individuals government last name begin in the wire transfer and also financial institution deposit under the individuals government name with attorney appointed executive officer chains of command there are not needs of a law office nor financial institution involving another individual when a verbal connection was held pior to the written croperation agreement without consent of the parties held in no held agreement written no due liability held with either of an agreement of so in the group or co written state no are in connection only in connection of the software program of all due with a connection of the party in which the written rights also proformance grants in the rights of and agreed inside office only agreed by 1 and 1 only that's holds no written rights and only grants services and payment for the rights grants with only a verbal and non of with a written the continued investigation since the 90's of the cyber gang "Dragon Demons" under the copied aultued software of a restore software program the African American Cyber Gang That are not the Alkido and believe in Demons Dungeons and Dragons will continue to be corteled by the CIA, The President's Board, US Intelligence , Intelligence and also the former which are and have never been terminated from position staffing executives and business artist agent and also songwriter and management of different corporations and organizations of music industry which have been rightfully arrested but the common problem of the no understanding of there are never fired if appointed and the non essential thought of telling the individuals those things and acting in connection with the cyber gang network of organization crimes of copyright infirdgement , grand Thieft , Money Laundering , Wire Fraud , Impresination of Stars beginning in Tampa,FL again with the same strategy of the cyber hacking of an individual network with cyber digital warfare with Impresination of a government network and only a network of a cyber gang of cyber Thieft and also real life organization crimes of one thats called code name "Drops" when a corporate office information is stolen and a deposit is set up with a banking institution in the star celebrity government name from a corporate office these things have been an on going problem of the individuals not receiving things of there own order because of the organization of crimes by the individuals of claim around directly and also not directly around family members biological and also the organization of the fake family that true the same thing also on the individuals the everyday normal mind frame of the individuals are not to care about those type of things and one of only self with being an adult the normal things of stealing are the confirmation through and also wife girlfriend longtime scheme of a lawyer officer and also judge scheme of granted confirmation of a second involved in the law the individuals are arrested also with the second involved and the judge in real life thinks you are stupid both involved for being it to court the gang has the same strategy of posing as a CIA Agent and controlling the individuals as and also control is only promitted by law enforcement and only public office officials and the US Presidents , US Vice Presidents deputy directors ETC